High Tea Box

High Tea Box Delivery

Sydney High Teas was the first to pioneer the High Tea Box. During the COVID-19 pandemic family, friends and colleagues were limited in their social interactions. We came up with a product and service to  bring that elegant high tea feeling into peoples home during a terrible time. 

Now that the pandemic is long over we are proud to say our high tea boxes have become a unique and thoughtful gift and have helped spur people to host their own high tea at home.

Our high tea box contains the following:
  • Traditional Finger Sandwiches (15)
  • Traditional Scones (6)
  • Small Seasonal Fruit Platter
  • Cakes / Tarts / Slices (3)
  • T2 Teabags (4)
  • Jam & Fresh Dolloping Cream
We also offer vegetarian and gluten free options as well as the ability to add a customised message for your box.
our high tea boxes
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